Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

Why Do We Fall in Love?

By Amy Bowles Reyer, Ph.D.
"It is better to have loft and lost than to never have loft at all." — Groucho Marx

Falling in love is a magical experience that happens between two people. So why do people fall in love? Professor Arthur Aron from State University of New York at Stonybrook has been exploring the dynamics of what happens when two people are falling in love:
Q: What motivates people to seek out love?
A: Our primary motivation as human beings is to expand the self and to increase our abilities and our effectiveness. One of the ways we accomplish this is through our relationships with other people. We have learned in our research that it is important to feel that you have the ability to be an effective person, especially in our relationships.
Q: How does this theory of self-expansion explain the process of falling in love?
A: Usually, we fall in love with a person that we find attractive and appropriate for us, but also someone who demonstrates that they are attracted to us. This creates a situation where a great opportunity is open to us for self-expansion. The fact that they are attracted to us offers a significant opportunity — when we perceive this, we feel a surge of exhilaration!
Q: Does it always work this way?
A: No, an interesting exception to this occurs if we feel badly about ourselves. The process gets thrown off if we can't believe that another persons finds us attractive — like the Groucho Marx joke where we don't want to belong to a club that would have us for a member. We tend to miss out on opportunities for falling in love if we don't feel good about ourselves.
Q: What conditions are best for meeting someone and falling in love?
A: When you meet someone under conditions that are highly arousing — a political demonstration, turbulence on a plane, a stimulating performance — a time when the body is stirred up and excited, we tend to experience attraction at a heightened level. This effect is well documented but the explanations for it are very controversial. I tend to believe that we come to associate the arousal of the situation with this person and our own self-expansion.
Q: When do we fall in love?
A: Contrary to what most people think, the statistics show that most people fall in love with someone that they have known for a while. People only report falling in love quickly about 1/3 to 40 percent of the time. Of course, this varies from culture to culture. Falling in love happens differently between cultures but it does occur in most cultures.
Q: How does our appearance factor into the equation of falling in love?
A: This is interesting; we have found that if you are very unattractive, it can hurt you a lot in forming romantic relationships. However, being attractive doesn't help that much.
Q: How do you explain that?
A: We have found that two important characteristics, kindness and intelligence, are extremely important in the process of falling in love. And attractiveness is not connected to these things. These two attributes are things that people learn about someone from knowing them over time. Intelligence is important in all aspects of life, especially in love. But kindness is the strongest indicator for a successful long-term relationship.

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

Bila Aku Jatuh Cinta

Allahu Rabbi aku minta izin
Bila suatu saat aku jatuh cinta
Jangan biarkan cinta untuk-Mu berkurang
Hingga membuat lalai akan adanya Engkau

Allahu Rabbi
Aku punya pinta
Bila suatu saat aku jatuh cinta
Penuhilah hatiku dengan bilangan cinta-Mu yang tak terbatas
Biar rasaku pada-Mu tetap utuh

Allahu Rabbi
Izinkanlah bila suatu saat aku jatuh cinta
Pilihkan untukku seseorang yang hatinya penuh dengan
dan membuatku semakin mengagumi-Mu

Allahu Rabbi
Bila suatu saat aku jatuh hati
Pertemukanlah kami
Berilah kami kesempatan untuk lebih mendekati cinta-Mu

Allahu Rabbi
Pintaku terakhir adalah seandainya kujatuh hati
Jangan pernah Kau palingkan wajah-Mu dariku
Anugerahkanlah aku cinta-Mu...
Cinta yang tak pernah pupus oleh waktu

Amin !

Jumat, 13 Maret 2009


Teknik-teknik Dasar dalam Menangani Manusia
- Jangan mengkritik, mencerca atau mengeluh.
- Berikan penghargaan yang jujur dan tulus.
- Bangkitkan minat pada diri orang lain.

Enam Cara untuk Membuat Orang Lain Menyukai Anda
- Jadilah sungguh-sungguh berminat terhadap orang lain.
- Tersenyumlah.
- Ingatlah, nama seseorang adalah hal paling mengesankan dan paling penting bagi orang itu dalam bahasa apapun.
- Jadilah pendengar yang baik, dorong orang lain untuk berbicara tentang diri mereka.
- Bicarakan minat-minat orang lain.
- Buat orang lain merasa penting, dan lakukan itu dengan tulus.

Memikat Orang Lain Mengikuti Cara Berpikir Anda
- Satu-satunya cara untuk memperoleh manfaat paling banyak dari perdebatan adalah menghindari perdebatan itu sendiri.
- Perlihatkan respek terhadap pendapat orang lain. Jangan pernah berkata " Anda salah !!! ".
- Kalau Anda salah, akuilah dengan cepat dan simpatik.
- Mulailah dengan cara yang ramah.
- Usahakan orang lain mengucapkan " Ya, Ya " dengan segera.
- Biarkan orang lain yang lebih banyak berbicara.
- Biarkan orang lain merasa bahwa itu adalah idenya.
- Cobalah dengan sungguh-sungguh melihat segala sesuatu dari sudut pandang orang lain.
- Bersimpatilah dengan ide dan hasrat orang lain.
- Imbaulah motif-motif yang lebih mulia.
- Dramatisir ide-ide Anda.
- Lemparkan tantangan.

Menjadi Pemimpin
- Mulailah dengan pujian dan penghargaan yang jujur.
- beritahu kelemahan orang lain dengan cara tidak langsung.
- Bicarakan kesalahan Anda dulu sebelum mengkritik orang lain.
- Ajukan pertanyaan sebagai ganti memberi perintah langsung.
- Biarkan orang lain menyelamatkan muka.
- Pujilah peningkatan sekecil apapun dan pujilah setiap peningkatan.
Jadilah " Tuluslah dalam penerimaan Anda dan murah hati dalam penghargaan Anda ".
- Beri orang lain reputasi yang baik untuk mereka penuhi.
- Gunakan dorongan. Buatlah kesalahan tampak mudah diperbaiki.
- Buat orang lain senang mengerjakan hal yang Anda sarankan.